Eorzea's Weirdest Tavern

What is The Eventide? Well, if you're asking that, you're already in trouble. The Eventide isn't anything. It's also everything. It's a tavern. It's a lounge. It's a bubble separate from reality and common sense. We have liquor in portals. We have coffee from the sky. Sometimes there's an alligator. We have fun. We don't ask questions and we embrace the absurd.

Every other Monday 10:30pm-1:30am EST

Next Openings: Oct 14th, Oct 28th

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Malboro - Lavender Beds - Ward 23 Plot 11

C'rukhia Fane - The Boss, Reality Tether

Wife of the owner, Fane's main function remains to keep Lily within signaling distance of reality. She also has her own streak of madness in the form of a nearly psychotic obsession with customer service.

Elhaym Stormraver - Bar Manager, Pink Terror

The woman who can do anything...except get out of bed in the morning. Did you know that you’re just a figment of her imagination? She’ll try better next time, really. Seriously, would you please order your drink, before she goes and cries in the shower fully clothed?

S'kaya Devalos - Hostess, Legally Immortal

S'kaya has no idea what is going on at the Eventide the majority of the time, but she's learned not to let trivial details like that get in the way of enjoying her time at the tavern. Instead, she finds it far more important to make sure patrons are comfortable, attended to, and enjoying whatever particular brand of weirdness is going on each time the Eventide opens its doors to the public.

Takehaya Ichikawa - Bartender, Certified Reflex Tester

Once upon a time, he laughed off the idea of coffee from the sky, or talking books, or tiger cubs that could bartend when he wasn't looking. After spending time with a friend that was heavily invested in the spiritual side of things (and a nine-tailed fox) and working at the Eventide, he started to accept that perhaps maybe coffee could come from holes in a ceiling. Or perhaps maybe books really could talk. But he would never believe that tiger cubs could bartend.

Lilyana - Just Some Intern, Doctor Pirate

All around lunatic, and totally not the owner of this venue. Lily only lives in reality a good 3% of the time. Alchemist by trade, Lily has taken up bartending as a hobby, and will happily serve you drinks from alternate dimensions that may or may not contain particles from a black hole.

All drinks can be made with faerie dust on request. For those looking to experience something unique, why not consider letting Eos, Elhaym’s faerie assistant, take a dip in your drink? The infused yellow, glowing motes will make colors seem brighter, music sound better, and bad puns hilarious.And if you’re feeling particularly daring, why not try a shot of the Special Reserve – a blindingly brilliant bottle of vodka that Eos passed out in one night? It won’t actually take you to Faerieland, but isn’t The Eventide close enough?

The Bad Idea

An Eventide staple. Five different liquors are pulled from a dubious portal filled with alligators. Mixed with simple syrup, lime juice and cola. Topped with a loving dash of regret. We named it so you wouldn't order it, but you do anyway.

Pastel Calamity

Named for Elhaym, Eventide's own Faerie Queen and localized natural disaster. Made by tearing open a hole in the fabric of reality, and filling the glass with whatever comes out. Which is always inexplicably pink. Oh so pink.

The 404: Patron Not Found

The description you are looking for does not exist, or another error occurred. This drink is not real and cannot hurt you. If it were real, it would be made from an invisible liquor sourced from chromatic ponds in the Liquor Dimension.

The Anchor

We bottled a dying star. Dark liquor so ultra-dense that light is unable to escape its pull. We use special anti-gravity glasses to make sure you can even lift it. Recommended for sipping, as taking the entire thing at once is a good way to get a hole in your body. For heavy drinkers only.

Sensory Overload

Pure chili extract, dandelion greens, lemon juice and two spoonfuls of sugar. All mixed together with peppermint liqueur. The flavor profile that you never knew you needed (because you didn't).

Sky Coffee

It's coffee. From the sky. Well, it's actually coffee from an eldritch tome that presumably gets it from the sky and occasionally assaults Lily with piranhas.

The Misery EX

Trauma in a glass. Liquid suffering. Like being set on fire, but not nearly as fun. This is the Game of Thrones Season 8 of drinks. The worst thing you'll ever have, guaranteed.

Frozen Spirits

Lily saw this popular drink at other establishments and assumed it was made with ghosts. So now it is. Vegan ghosts available upon request.

Nameless Joy

An embodiment of the concept of relentless positivity in drinkable form. Nobody can agree what it tastes like. Perhaps happiness itself? The concoction turns bright green and smokes slightly in spite of having no ingredients of that color. We don’t know why.

Elemental Cocktails

Conjured from the very depths of the primordial aether, the Eventide has a drink for every flavor of element on the aetheric flowchart. Ever wanted to find out what happens when you combine booze and raw aether? Well we did!

Melodi & The Muses

Melodi is Eventide's resident bard, always making sure the guests are entertained. Which, if we're being honest, is probably the only reason they keep coming back after the horrors they're served from the bar. Incredibly talented and super sweet. Plus she never forgets to play Closing Time.

Traveling Strings

Traveling Strings are an in-game and IRL husband and wife led quintet hailing from Marilith. When they aren't trying to perform, or Shan being Evi's meat shield because he loves those damn "big numbers" you can find them also throwing hands at fight clubs. Don't worry, the music goes on, no matter how busted up they might be. Never fear, their traditional closer is Closing Time.